Fite Road
Fite Road
Project Details:
Owner: Shelby County
General Contractor: Ford Construction
Dates of Work: September 2015 - December 2015
Engineer: Geotechnology, Inc.
Approximate Key Quantities: Stone Columns 615 EA.
Project Overview:
In an effort to improve traffic and to expedite response times for emergency and service vehicles, an overpass crossing a railroad track was proposed for Fite Road in Millington, TN, north of Memphis in Shelby County. Embankments on each side of the track, to be constructed by Ford Construction, would lead to the
The embankments would be secured by three mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) retaining walls, two on each side of the track and one paralleling Fite Road.
Ground Conditions:
USW installed 617 stone columns for ground improvement beneath the three MSE walls. Through the method of vibro-flotation, liquefication was induced in the lower sands and the layer was densified. This method reduces the potential for settlement due to earthquakes.
What’s more, the stone column's reinforced the upper soft to stiff clays to improve global stability of the walls, while also reducing horizontal and vertical deformation. The drainage provided by the stone columns accelerated consolidation of the clay layer during fill placement.
In conclusion, USW and The Reinforced Earth Company (RECo), the wall designer-supplier, collaborated to meet the client's requirements for safety, quality and schedule.
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